5th Workshop

5th Workshop

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The 5th EANNORM – Workshop on “Measurement strategies in NORM” was held from 4th to 6th December 2012 in Dresden (Germany). 60 participants from 11 different European Countries and from Qatar discussed the different approaches for measurement strategies within the NORM industry.

The presentations of the workshop are available below.

Tuesday, December 4th

Schulz, H. (IAF, Germany): EANNORM – Status and further development

Pepin, S. et al (FANC, Belgium): Radiological monitoring of groundwater and discharge water from NORM sites in Belgium

Casacuberta, N. (University of Barcelona, Spain): Uranium and Thorium isotopes radiochemical separation and quantification in NORM samples by alpha spectrometry

Hult, M. et al. (IRMM, Belgium): Possibilities and limitations in low level gamma ray spectrometry for solid NORM samples

Lange, H.-J. (CANBERRA, Germany), Dargel, R.: Analysis of radioactive disequilibrium in natural decay chains due to processing

Schroeyers, W., Stals, M. et. al. (NuTeC, Belgium): Radioactivity in building materials: problems and measurement solutions

Wednesday, December 5th

Paßvoß, T. (GHS, Germany): Sources of Naturally Occurring Radioacitve Materials in Scrap Metal

Goris, D. (Metallo-Chimique, Belgium): NORM in the production of tin at Metallo-Chimique NV

Brisson, N. (IRSN, France): Measurement strategies in coal-fired power plants to meet the demands of French legislation

Rivas, R. (ASN, France); Salam, S. and Bernhard, S. (ALGADE, France): Dosimetric follow-up of the workers in NORM industry, French regulatory framework and occupational dosimetry service approved

Ettenhuber, E. (IAF, Germany): Practical advice on the evaluation and control of radiation exposure of workers in NORM industries – EANNORM leaflets

Welbergen, J. (COVRA, The Netherlands): Sampling bulk NORM mineral and preparing it for analysis

Regner, J. et al. (WISMUT, Germany): Combination of Field Measurements, Laboratory Analyses and Statistics as an Effective Approach to Characterize Large Amounts of NORM Contaminated Materials

Robles, B. (CIEMAT, Spain): Announcement of 6th EANNORM workshop in 2013

Thursday, December 6th

Xhixha, G. et al. (University of Ferrara, Italy): A fully automated gamma-ray spectrometer for NORM characterization

Michalik, B. (GIG, Poland): Radionuclides ratio in a soil profile for designation of NORM contaminated land

Kahnwald, S. (WISUTEC, Germany); Hagen, K. (VWS, Germany): Uranium in water treatment

Dauke, M. (AGES, Austria): Remediation of a NORM contaminated site in Lower – Austria

Steiner, M. (BfS, Germany): NORM sites – promising STAR candidates for European Observatories for Radioecological Research

Friday, December 7th

The EANNORM TOPICAL DAY “NORM in Oil- and Gas Industry” was held on Dec. 7th 2012 in Dresden (Germany). The presentations are available below.


Haridasan, P. P. (IAEA): NORM in Oil and Gas Industry – Challenges and IAEA Guidance

Varskog, P. (Zpire Ltd, Norway); Hove, A. (SAR, Norway); Andersen, K. I. (Statoil, Norway): Measurement and classification of NORM waste in the Norwegian petroleum industry. Development of a general classification routine

Schulz, H. (IAF, Germany): Time development of activity in various kinds of water (from mineral water to produced water)

Delos, A. (ARCADIS, France): Optimized geochemical modelling of produced fluids provides important insight into NORM-related issues

Varskog, P. (Zpire Ltd, Norway): Measurement of NORM waste from decommissioning of petroleum installations

Pilkyte, L. (RSC, Lithuania): NORM in oil industry in Lithuania

Varskog, P. (Zpire Ltd, Norway); Gellerman, R. (NCC, Germany): NORM waste streams in the Norwegian petroleum industry

Randall,M.; Smith, N. and Hiller, P. (NNL, UK): NORM issues associated with shale gas

Hassan, Z. (BAUER Water, Germany): Mobile NORM decontamination in the oil and gas industry

Steffan, E. M. (EXXON MOBIL, Germany): NORM Measurement Strategies using Personal Dosimeter

