2nd Workshop

2nd Workshop

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The 2nd EANNORM – Workshop, organised and hosted by IAF-Radioökologie GmbH, was held from 24th to 26th November 2009 in Dresden. More than 50 experts from leading European and international organisations, universities, research institutes and industry representatives shared their experiences in the NORM sector. The presentations of the 2nd EANNORM workshop are available below.

1. Session: General requirements of radiation protection against exposures due to NORM and other natural radiation sources

Wiklund, Å(EC): The provisions for NORM in the new European Basic Safety Standards

Proehl, G. (IAEA): An Overview of the IAEA Activities to Improve the Management of NORM

2. Session: EAN and EANNORM – Experience with networking and further improvements

Schmitt-Hannig, A. (BfS, Germany): European ALARA Network – Experience with networking to support optimisation of protection in practice

Wichterey, K. (BfS, Germany): Continuation of the EAN – network and support by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection of Germany (BfS)

Schulz, H.; Flesch, K.; Schellenberger, A. (IAF, Germany): EANNORM – optimization of the web-portal as a fundament for a more active networking

Geldner, L. (Robotron, Germany): Technical aspects of the EANNORM

Poffijn, A. (FANC, Belgium), Wiegers, R. (IBR Consult BV, Netherlands), Quade U. (Siempelkamp Nukleartechnik GmbH, Germany)NORM meetings – past and future – and the role of the network

3. Session: The implementation of the BSS in the industrial practice

Gehrcke, K. (BfS, Germany): Graded approach to regulation in the NORM-sector

Gellermann, R. (FUGRO-HGN, Germany): Experiences in implementing NORM-legislation

Welbergen, J. (COVRA, The Netherlands)Management of radioactive waste

Steffan, E. M. (WEG, Germany): Organization of radiation protection and exposure control measures for “work activities” in the oil and gas production industry according to the German Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV)

Wörlen S., Barthel R. (Brenk Systemplanung GmbH, Germany): How European Guidelines for dose estimations should look like from a practitioner’s point of view?

4. Session: Experience in radiation protection in NORM industry in different countries

Kostov, L. (NRA, Bulgaria): Overview of the present situation with NORM regulation in Bulgaria

Krca: S. (State Office for Radiation Protection, Croatia): Overview of the present situation concerning NORM in Croatia

Fenton, D. (Radiation Protection Institute of Ireland): Experiences in radiation protection in the NORM industry of Ireland

Trotti, F., Caldognetto, E. (ARPAV, Italy): Effluents in some Italian NORM industries

Risica, S.; Bochicchio F.; Nuccetelli, C. (ISS, Italy): Thermal spas: occupational exposure to natural radioactivity and related legislation

5. Session: Practical applications in NORM industry

Schwela, U. (T.I.C., Belgium); Doug Chambers (SENES, Canada): Transport of tantalum raw materials, other NORM and waste

Gellermann R. (FUGRO-HGN GmbH, Germany): Prognosis of radioactivity in TENORM

Varskog, P. (NORSE-DECOM AS, Norway); Kvingedal, E. (Wergeland-Halsvik AS, Norway): End disposal of petroleum industry NORM in Norway

Dilling, J. (BfS, Germany); Flesch, K. (IAF, Germany); Gellermann, R. (FUGRO-HGN, Germany); Gerler, J. (BfS, Germany); Hummrich, H. (IAF, Germany); Neumann V. (BGD, Germany); Knappik, R. (VKTA, Germany); Schulz, H. (IAF, Germany): Release of natural radionuclides from NORM-residues caused by sewage

Schroyers W. (Nucleair Technologisch Centrum (NuTeC), Belgium), Clerckx T., Pellens V., Hulshagen L. and Schreurs S.: Activity concentration determination of NORM radionuclides in large quantity containers.

Michalik, B. (Katowice, Poland): NORM in energy generation from coal – from a mine to a power station, ways and experiences of safe handling.

Vornehm, C. (LfU, Germany): Naturally occurring radioactivity in residues of drinking water treatment.

