2nd ENA Workshop

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***Presentations from our 2nd ENA workshop are online***

The second ENA workshop is over and you will find access via the announcement section of our ENA social web. For non-members please contact secretary@ena-norm.eu

Get the workshop agenda here!

We would like to confirm that our workshop will take place as planned from 20 to 22 October 2020. HOWEVER… due to imponderable travel restrictions, ENA and our host AGES decided to move it online. This makes us totally independent of any Corona-related uncertainties and brings us virtually together!

Here is how it will work:

  • We will use AGES’ ZOOM-based conferencing system for two separate meeting “rooms”.
  • Upon registration, you will be asked to decide which of the parallel sessions you prefer to attend. You may still change your choice later on, if necessary.
  • You will receive your personal access code from AGES.
  • The Book of Abstracts will be provided by AGES a couple of weeks before the workshop.
  • Using your personal online link and access code, you can log on and off at any time depending on which presentations, discussions and working groups you are interested in.
  • AGES will get in touch with all speakers, session chairs and participants to instruct everyone on how to upload presentations, share their screens, speak, listen, raise their hands, etc.
  • You find the latest agenda here. Our session chairs will make sure that the timetable is followed to the minute, so that you don’t have to wait for “your” presentation to start.
  • All participants and speakers, please register here until the deadline of end of September.
  • The registration fee is now reduced to 200 € and 150 € for non-members and ENA members, respectively.

Those who have already registered and paid their fee will be reimbursed according to the new reduced fee, of course.

We look forward to seeing all of you in our two virtual conference rooms, and be virtually together!

Young professionals are encouraged to participate and present their work. The best presentation selected from those not older than 35 will receive the Young Professionals Award, which will be a gold coin of the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra.

For more information and updates please visit the ENA Workshop 2020.
