1st Workshop
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1. Session: ALARA and the importance of experience exchange and networking
Lefaure C.: Experience of the European ALARA Network (EAN) IAF/HGN/RDS: The European ALARA Network for NORM (EANNORM): Concept, possibilities and next developments (state of project)
Seitz A.: Industrial safety and radiation protection – conflicting or complementary regulations
2. Session: Experience of industries dealing with NORM
Lefaure C.: Strategies and methods for the optimisation of exposure at work in the NORM industry – the SMOPIE-Project
Steffan E.M.: Experience in handling with NORM and dose control in the oil and gas industry
Welbergen J.: Dose control in the NORM industry in the Netherlands
García-Tenorio R, Bolivar J.P., Abril J. M.: Experience of the phosphate industry dealing with NORM in Spain
Van der Houwen J.: Experience of the phosphate industry dealing with NORM in the Netherlands
Poffijn A.: Experience concerning NORM in the non-ferrous industry (in Belgium)
Wieters C.-U.: Experiences and expectations of hot metal Industry
Brandl A. and Hefner A.: Assessment of workers exposed to NORM – Implementation and first experience of the ÖNORM S 5223
3. Session: “Future regulations and requirements for NORM industries and disposal companies”
Wymer D.: International BSS and IAEA requirements and guidance
Wiklund Å.: Revision of the European Basic Safety Standards with regard to NORM
4. Session: Experience of the authorities in the execution of the radiation protection legislations in the NORM industry
Hefner A. and Brandl A.: Experience in Austria
Ženatá I.: Experience in the Czech Republic
Matouk F.: Experience in France
Gehrcke K.: Experience in Germany
Möre H.: Experience in Sweden
Martin-Mattarranz J.L, Garcia-Talavera M.: Experience in Spain
Trotti F.: Experience in Italy
5. Session: Transport and NORM disposal in Europe
Kunze C., Kahnwald S.: Transport and disposal of NORM/TENORM
Varskog P.: Norway’s disposal site for oil industry NORM
Richter J.: Mercury recycling of sludges of the gas industry and the disposal of residues
Probst T.U.: Problems of disposal of NORM residues – the view of the waste management industry