Relevant Literature
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Radiation Protection Safety Standards and regulations: general
- IAEA GSR Part 3: “Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards”
- IAEA Safety Glossary 2022 (Interim) edition
- EU BSS 2013: directive 2013/59/euratom
- Transportation: IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material – 2018 Edition
NORM industries
- ICRP Publication 142 “Radiological Protection from NORM in Industrial Processes“
- IAEA SSG-60 “Management of Residues Containing NORM from Uranium Production and other Activities“
- IAEA SRS49: “Assessing-the-Need-for-Radiation-Protection-Measures-in-Work-Involving-Minerals-and-Raw-Materials”
- HERCA report “Application of the concept of exemption and clearance to the regulation of NORM across HERCA countries“
- EC – RP88 “Recommendations for the implementation of Title VII of the European Basic Safety Standards Directive (BSS) concerning significant increase in exposure due to natural radiation sources”
- EC –RP95: “Reference levels for workplaces processing materials with enhanced levels of naturally occuring radionuclides”
- EC – RP 122 II “Application of the Concepts of Exemption and Clearance to Natural Radiation Sources”
- EC – RP 135 “Effluent and dose control from European Union NORM industries: Assessment of current situation and proposal for a harmonised Community approach”
Volume 1: Main Report – Volume 2 Appendices
Phosphate industry
Oil & Gas
- IAEA SRS34 “Radiation Protection and the Management of Radioactive Waste in the Oil and Gas Industry”
- IOGP Report 412 “Managing Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in the oil and gas industry”
Titanium dioxide
- IAEA SRS76 “Radiation Protection and NORM Residue Management in the Titanium Dioxide and Related Industries”
- IAEA SRS 51 “Radiation Protection and NORM Residue Management in the Zircon and Zirconia Industries”
Rare Earths
- IAEA SRS68 “Radiation Protection and NORM Residue Management in the Production of Rare Earths from Thorium Containing Minerals”
Operational radiation protection
- “Strategies and Methods for Optimisation of Protection against Internal Exposures of Workers from Industrial Natural Sources” (SMOPIE)
- European network on silica: “Good Practice Guide on Workers Health Protection through the Good Handling and Use of Crystalline Silica and Products Containing it”
NORM and environment
- IAEA TRS 472 “Handbook of Parameter Values for the Prediction of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments”
- IAEA TRS476 “The Environmental Behaviour of Radium: Revised Edition”
- IAEA TRS488 “The Environmental Behaviour of Uranium“
- IAEA TRS484 “The Environmental Behaviour of Polonium“
- US EPA “Understanding Variation in Partition Coefficient, Kd, Values”
- European Atlas of Natural Radiation
Site remediation
- IAEA – GSG 15 “Remediation Strategy and Process for Areas affected by Past Activities or Events“
- IAEA – TECDOC – 2036 “Modelling Approaches for Management and Remediation at Sites Affected by Past Activities“
- EC – RP 115 “Investigation of a possible basis for a common approach with regard to the restoration of areas affected by lasting radiation exposure as a result of past or old practice or work activity – CARE”
- Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
- ITRC (Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council). 2006. “Real–Time Measurement Radionuclides in Soil: Technology and Case Studies”
Building material
- IAEA – SRS 107 “Regulatory Control of Exposure due to Radionuclides in Building Materials and Construction Materials“
- EC – RP96 “Enhanced radioactivity of building materials“
- EC – RP112 “Radiological Protection Principles concerning the Natural Radioactivity of Building Materials”
Drinking water
Consumer products
- EC – RP146 “A Review of Consumer Products Containing Radioactive Substances in the European Union”
- EC – RP147 “Guidelines for the Regulatory Control of Consumer Products Containing Radioactive Substances in the European Union”
- NUREG-1717 “Systematic radiological assessment of exemptions for sources and byproduct materials”
Proceedings IAEA NORM symposium:
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM VIII): Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18-21 October 2016
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM VII): Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Beijing, China, 22–26 April 2013
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM VI): Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Marrakech, Morocco, 22-26 March 2010
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM V): Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Seville, 19-22 March 2007
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM IV): Proceedings of an international conference held in Szczyrk, Poland, 17–21 May 2004
Additional references:
- IAEA Regulatory Forum for Safety of Uranium Production and NORM (REGSUN)