8th Workshop

8th Workshop

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The 8th EANNORM – Workshop, organized and hosted by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority in cooperation with IAF-Radioökologie GmbH, was held from 5th to 7th December 2016 in Stockholm (Sweden). This workshop was dedicated to the topic “Three years into the new EU BSS: How far have we come with the transposition and what is the impact on NORM industrial activities?”. Around 100 participants from 27 different countries and IAEA attended the workshop. The IAEA ENVIRONET NORM Project held 3 out of 5 days of its Technical Meeting jointly with the 8th EANNORM – Workshop. The abstracts of the presentations and posters are available below.

Monday, December 5th

Kunze, Christian et al. (IAF-Radioökologie GmbH, Germany): EAN-NORM – Status and further development

Bergström-Mörtberg, Anna et al. (SSM, Sweden): The process of implementing basic safety standard directive (2013/59/EURATOM), BSS, in Sweden

Pepin, Stéphane et al. (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium): Implementation of NORM aspects of EU BSS in Belgium

Stackhouse, Adam (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scotland): An overview on UK BSSD implementation with respect to NORM

Stroude, Raphaël (Federal Department of Home Affairs, Switzerland): NORM in the revised Swiss radiological legislation

Caplin, Hélène (IRSN, France) et al.: NORM and building materials

Vaasma, Taavi et al. (University of Tartu, Estonia): The process and progress of implementing the requirements from the new BSS to the Estonian legislation: issues with NORM

Welbergen, Jeroen et al. (COVRA, Netherlands): NORM management in the Netherlands

García-Tenorio, Rafael (University of Sevilla, Spain): Lessons learned from occupational exposures assessments in different NORM industries

Harlow, Keven (ZIA, UK) et al.: The milling of zircon, workers’ exposure levels and exposure mitigation measures used in the zircon industry

Gutierrez-Villanueva, Jose Luis et al. (University of Cantabria, Spain): Radiological characterization in chemical industries

Schulz, Hartmut et al. (IAF-Radioökologie GmbH, Germany): Balance of natural radionuclides in lignite-based power generation and consequences for the use of residues and by-products

Dilling, Jörg (Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany) et al.: Residues from water works: Data collection for a dose assessment close to reality

Kahrwad, Mhamed et al. (Libyan Petroleum Institute, Libya): Mineral Scales Formation Phenomena due to Incompatibility of Injection/Formation Water in NF Oilfield, Libya

Kiisk, Madis et al. (University of Tartu, Estonia): Water treatment plants fed by Cambrian-Vendian aquifer as NORM producers in Estonia

Biermans, Geert et al. (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium): NORM in the industrial use of quicklime

Tuesday, December 6th

Vandenhove, Hildegarde (SCK-CEN, Belgium): Studying the Impact of NORM-containing Construction Materials on the Environment

Elfving, Sara (National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Sweden): Transposition of EU BSS regarding building materials in Sweden

Michalik, Bogusław (GIG, Poland): Regulating NORM and building materials in Poland

Schroeyers, Wouter (Hasselt University, Belgium) et al.: Using NORM containing construction materials as an immobilization matrix for waste

Leonardi, Federica (INAIL – Italian National Workers’ Compensation Authority) et al.: Radon exhalation and emanation information in the updated database on natural radioactivity in EU building materials

Ahnesjö, Magnus (SSM, Sweden): Transposition of EU BSS with regard to radon in Sweden

Regner, Jens et al. (Wismut GmbH, Germany): Radon emission from uranium mining waste rock dumps and resulting radon immission

Jelinek, Cecilia (The Geological Survey of Sweden, Sweden): Radiation from Swedish bedrock – applied to building materials, NORM and uranium mineralisations

Wu, Qifan (Tsinghua University, China) et al.: Indoor radon concentration in schools of a city in South-West China

Biermans, Geert et al. (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium): NORM in the exploration phase of geothermal energy facilities

Delos, Anne et al. (ARCADIS, France): Dismantling a NORM waste storage facility in the acid phosphate industry

Keith-Roach, Miranda et al. (Kemakta, Sweden): International survey of management practices for NORM contaminated metal scrap

Kahnwald, Steven (WISUTEC, Germany): Cleanup of a radioactively contaminated legacy site in Oranienburg, Germany

Gellermann, Rainer et al. (Nuclear Control & Consulting GmbH, Germany): NORM waste and environmental impact assessment (EIA) of facilities

Mora, Juan C. (CIEMAT, Spain): Advances in the Spanish use of industrial waste landfills for the management of the NORM waste

Stackhouse, Adam (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scotland): Controls (or lack of) on transboundary movements of NORM

Varskog, Per (Zpire Limited, Norway): Norways NORM disposal facility – experience from 8 years in operation

Wednesday, December 7th

Okyar, H. Burçin (IAEA): IAEA Work Programme on NORM – Achievements and Challenges

Monken-Fernandes, Horst (IAEA): IAEA perspective of challenges and needs of the international community on the management of NORM waste

Fan, Zhiwen (IAEA): Draft IAEA Safety Standards for NORM residues

Neder, Lucia (Brazil): Development of NORM Waste Management Strategy for Petrobras, Brazil

Monken-Fernandes, Horst (IAEA): The Experience of the IAEA in Assisting its Member States in Implementing Remediation Projects

Pepin, Stéphane et al. (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium): Decommissioning of NORM facilities in Belgium: lessons learnt

Goosens, Philippe (DEC-DEME Group, Belgium): Decommissioning of NORM facilities: a practical case

Hein, Tobias et al. (Brenk Systemplanung GmbH, Germany): Concept development for remediation of a basin for mine drainage water located in Germany by using an artificial cover

Varpen Holmstrand, Marte (NRPA, Norway): The similarities between alum shale and heap leaching of low grade uranium ores

Mantero Cabrera, Juan (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) et al.: NORM and heavy metal levels in former mining lakes in Sweden

Abstracts of Posters

Chen, Jing (Health Canada, Canada): Canadian NORM guidelines and issues for further development

Cho, Dae Hyung (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea) et al.: Effective Dose Scaling Factors for Inhalation Dose Assessment Using Cascade Impactor in NORM Industry

Goronovski, Andrei et al. (University of Tartu, Estonia): Radiological assessment of novel bauxite residue valorization methods

Huss, Marie (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Sweden): Conclusions from 23 inspections of sites generating and managing peat and wood fuel ash from energy production in Sweden

Kim, Kwang Pyo (Kyung Hee University, Korea) et al.: Analysis of Physicochemical Properties of NORM Airborne Particulates in Monazite Industry

Kim, Kwang Pyo (Kyung Hee University, Korea) et al.: Development of Computer Program for Assessment of Internal Dose due to Inhalation of Airborne Particulates Containing NORM: ALARA-NORM

Koh, Dong-Chan (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources & University of Science and Technology, Korea) et al.: Characteristics of radon in groundwater of Korea and experimental assessment of its impact on radon in indoor air

Lee, Juhyun (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea): Evaluation of natural radionuclides and their radioactive equilibrium for zircon samples in raw materials and residues

Olszewski, Grzegorz (University of Gdansk, Poland) et al.: Radiochemical contamination of the environment around phosphogypsum stockpile in Wiślinka near Gdańsk (northern Poland)

Sas, Zoltán (Queen´s University Belfast, United Kingdom) et al.: Introduction to By-BM database built for characterization of industrial by-products from the environmental radioactivity content point of view

Seo, Min-Woo et al. (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea): Development of Technical Guidelines and Work Procedure for Treatment and Disposal of Monazite Material Residues based on Field Test

Shin, Ji-Yong et al. (Seoul National University, Korea): The On-site Airborne Contaminants from NORM Industries in Korea are Well-represented by the ICRP References with Limited Deviations

Woo, Zuhee et al. (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea): The status of NORM regulation in South Korea
