8th Workshop
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Monday, December 5th
Kunze, Christian et al. (IAF-Radioökologie GmbH, Germany): EAN-NORM – Status and further development
Bergström-Mörtberg, Anna et al. (SSM, Sweden): The process of implementing basic safety standard directive (2013/59/EURATOM), BSS, in Sweden
Pepin, Stéphane et al. (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium): Implementation of NORM aspects of EU BSS in Belgium
Stackhouse, Adam (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scotland): An overview on UK BSSD implementation with respect to NORM
Stroude, Raphaël (Federal Department of Home Affairs, Switzerland): NORM in the revised Swiss radiological legislation
Caplin, Hélène (IRSN, France) et al.: NORM and building materials
Vaasma, Taavi et al. (University of Tartu, Estonia): The process and progress of implementing the requirements from the new BSS to the Estonian legislation: issues with NORM
Welbergen, Jeroen et al. (COVRA, Netherlands): NORM management in the Netherlands
García-Tenorio, Rafael (University of Sevilla, Spain): Lessons learned from occupational exposures assessments in different NORM industries
Harlow, Keven (ZIA, UK) et al.: The milling of zircon, workers’ exposure levels and exposure mitigation measures used in the zircon industry
Gutierrez-Villanueva, Jose Luis et al. (University of Cantabria, Spain): Radiological characterization in chemical industries
Schulz, Hartmut et al. (IAF-Radioökologie GmbH, Germany): Balance of natural radionuclides in lignite-based power generation and consequences for the use of residues and by-products
Dilling, Jörg (Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany) et al.: Residues from water works: Data collection for a dose assessment close to reality
Kahrwad, Mhamed et al. (Libyan Petroleum Institute, Libya): Mineral Scales Formation Phenomena due to Incompatibility of Injection/Formation Water in NF Oilfield, Libya
Kiisk, Madis et al. (University of Tartu, Estonia): Water treatment plants fed by Cambrian-Vendian aquifer as NORM producers in Estonia
Biermans, Geert et al. (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium): NORM in the industrial use of quicklime
Tuesday, December 6th
Vandenhove, Hildegarde (SCK-CEN, Belgium): Studying the Impact of NORM-containing Construction Materials on the Environment
Elfving, Sara (National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Sweden): Transposition of EU BSS regarding building materials in Sweden
Michalik, Bogusław (GIG, Poland): Regulating NORM and building materials in Poland
Schroeyers, Wouter (Hasselt University, Belgium) et al.: Using NORM containing construction materials as an immobilization matrix for waste
Leonardi, Federica (INAIL – Italian National Workers’ Compensation Authority) et al.: Radon exhalation and emanation information in the updated database on natural radioactivity in EU building materials
Ahnesjö, Magnus (SSM, Sweden): Transposition of EU BSS with regard to radon in Sweden
Regner, Jens et al. (Wismut GmbH, Germany): Radon emission from uranium mining waste rock dumps and resulting radon immission
Jelinek, Cecilia (The Geological Survey of Sweden, Sweden): Radiation from Swedish bedrock – applied to building materials, NORM and uranium mineralisations
Wu, Qifan (Tsinghua University, China) et al.: Indoor radon concentration in schools of a city in South-West China
Biermans, Geert et al. (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium): NORM in the exploration phase of geothermal energy facilities
Delos, Anne et al. (ARCADIS, France): Dismantling a NORM waste storage facility in the acid phosphate industry
Keith-Roach, Miranda et al. (Kemakta, Sweden): International survey of management practices for NORM contaminated metal scrap
Kahnwald, Steven (WISUTEC, Germany): Cleanup of a radioactively contaminated legacy site in Oranienburg, Germany
Gellermann, Rainer et al. (Nuclear Control & Consulting GmbH, Germany): NORM waste and environmental impact assessment (EIA) of facilities
Mora, Juan C. (CIEMAT, Spain): Advances in the Spanish use of industrial waste landfills for the management of the NORM waste
Stackhouse, Adam (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scotland): Controls (or lack of) on transboundary movements of NORM
Varskog, Per (Zpire Limited, Norway): Norways NORM disposal facility – experience from 8 years in operation
Wednesday, December 7th
Okyar, H. Burçin (IAEA): IAEA Work Programme on NORM – Achievements and Challenges
Monken-Fernandes, Horst (IAEA): IAEA perspective of challenges and needs of the international community on the management of NORM waste
Fan, Zhiwen (IAEA): Draft IAEA Safety Standards for NORM residues
Neder, Lucia (Brazil): Development of NORM Waste Management Strategy for Petrobras, Brazil
Monken-Fernandes, Horst (IAEA): The Experience of the IAEA in Assisting its Member States in Implementing Remediation Projects
Pepin, Stéphane et al. (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium): Decommissioning of NORM facilities in Belgium: lessons learnt
Goosens, Philippe (DEC-DEME Group, Belgium): Decommissioning of NORM facilities: a practical case
Hein, Tobias et al. (Brenk Systemplanung GmbH, Germany): Concept development for remediation of a basin for mine drainage water located in Germany by using an artificial cover
Varpen Holmstrand, Marte (NRPA, Norway): The similarities between alum shale and heap leaching of low grade uranium ores
Mantero Cabrera, Juan (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) et al.: NORM and heavy metal levels in former mining lakes in Sweden
Abstracts of Posters
Chen, Jing (Health Canada, Canada): Canadian NORM guidelines and issues for further development
Cho, Dae Hyung (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea) et al.: Effective Dose Scaling Factors for Inhalation Dose Assessment Using Cascade Impactor in NORM Industry
Goronovski, Andrei et al. (University of Tartu, Estonia): Radiological assessment of novel bauxite residue valorization methods
Huss, Marie (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Sweden): Conclusions from 23 inspections of sites generating and managing peat and wood fuel ash from energy production in Sweden
Kim, Kwang Pyo (Kyung Hee University, Korea) et al.: Analysis of Physicochemical Properties of NORM Airborne Particulates in Monazite Industry
Kim, Kwang Pyo (Kyung Hee University, Korea) et al.: Development of Computer Program for Assessment of Internal Dose due to Inhalation of Airborne Particulates Containing NORM: ALARA-NORM
Koh, Dong-Chan (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources & University of Science and Technology, Korea) et al.: Characteristics of radon in groundwater of Korea and experimental assessment of its impact on radon in indoor air
Lee, Juhyun (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea): Evaluation of natural radionuclides and their radioactive equilibrium for zircon samples in raw materials and residues
Olszewski, Grzegorz (University of Gdansk, Poland) et al.: Radiochemical contamination of the environment around phosphogypsum stockpile in Wiślinka near Gdańsk (northern Poland)
Sas, Zoltán (Queen´s University Belfast, United Kingdom) et al.: Introduction to By-BM database built for characterization of industrial by-products from the environmental radioactivity content point of view
Seo, Min-Woo et al. (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea): Development of Technical Guidelines and Work Procedure for Treatment and Disposal of Monazite Material Residues based on Field Test
Shin, Ji-Yong et al. (Seoul National University, Korea): The On-site Airborne Contaminants from NORM Industries in Korea are Well-represented by the ICRP References with Limited Deviations
Woo, Zuhee et al. (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea): The status of NORM regulation in South Korea