NORM I Amsterdam
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General Programme
Session I: Legislation and regulatory aspects
Session II: Occupational exposure
Session III: Public exposure
Session IV: Experiences from industry
Session V: Operational aspects and measuring techniques
Session VI: Waste management
Session I: Legislation and regulatory aspects
I.I.1 Provisions on natural radiation in the new Basic Safety Standards Directive
I.I.2 Radiation protection policy towards Non-Nuclear industry in the Netherlands
I.I.3 Natural radiation in industry—Finnish regulatory approach and experiences
I.I.4 Establishment of reference levels for regulatory control of workplaces where materials are processed which contain enhanced levels of naturally occurring radionuclides
I.I.5 Regulatory aspects of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in the oil and gas industry
I.I.6 Practical consequences of the current legislation and government policy on natural radioactivity for the mineral sands industry
I.I.7 Managing risk and managing the risk discussion: lessons to be learned from the nuclear waste discussion
Session II: Occupational exposure
I.II.1 Occupational health aspects of radioactive dusts
I.II.2 Development of a methodology for assessing occupational exposure at workplaces where materials are processed which contain enhanced levels of natural radionuclides
I.II.3 Dose coefficients for natural radionuclides
I.II.4 Workplace exposure to ionising radiation in the United Kingdom from the use of naturally occurring radioactive materials
I.II.5 Radon research among plaster workers and in the phosphate industry
I.II.6 Exposures due to TIG welding using thoriated tungsten electrodes
Session III: Public exposure
I.III.1 The risk of unit discharges of naturally occurring radioactive matter by oil and gas industry from the Dutch part of continental shelf
I.III.2 Studies on the dispersion of radionuclides in aquatic systems: modelling and laboratory experiments
I.III.3 STACKS; a new approach in atmospheric dispersion modelling
I.III.4 Radiological risks of Non-Nuclear Industries in the Netherlands
I.III.5 NORM and the Brazilian Non-Nuclear Industries
Session IV: Experiences from industry
I.IV.1 Radiological consequences of fly-ash in building materials
I.IV.2 Radioactivity of combustion residues from coal fired power stations
I.IV.2A Modified natural radiation exposure as a result of coal used to produce electrical energy
I.IV.3 Electrothermal phosphorus production, radioactivity in the environment and workplace
I.IV.4 Radioactive environmental impact during the phosphoric acid production
I.IV.5 Emissions of radionuclides by the Dutch phosphate industry. A review of the ´fluctuations´ in the estimated risks
I.IV.6 NORM in oil production Norway
I.IV.7 Characterisation of NORM in the oil and gas production (E&P) Industry
I.IV.8 Distribution of natural radionuclides in some Russian Non-Nuclear industrial technologies
I.IV.10 Issues of NORM in Malaysian based industries
I.IV.11 Exposure to low level ionizing radiation and incidence of cancer in airline pilots and crew
Session V: Operational aspects and measuring techniques
I.V.1 Analytical aspects of NORM from oil and gas production and processing
I.V.2 DINA, method for measuring natural specific activities in ores, minerals and waste streams in the non-nuclear industry
I.V.3 Operational and environmental aspects of decontamination of equipment from oil and gas production at ECN, Petten, The Netherlands
I.V.4 Experience of applying regulations on industrial uses of natural radioactive materials
Session VI: Waste management
I.VI.1 Pragmatic approaches for the management of waste with enhances natural radioactivity from the Non-Nuclear industry
I.VI.2 Review on E&P NORM volume reduction techniques and waste disposal routes
I.VI.3 Radioactive waste from the Non-Nuclear industry. Development at COVRA in the Netherlands
I.VI.3A Studies on materials containing natural radionuclides as part of the European Community strategy on radioactive waste management
I.VI.4 Feasibility study: On-site decontamination of a Dutch E&P site
I.VI.5 Scrapmetals and NORM
I.VI.6 Case study; removal of metal scrap from refinery/chemical plant site
I.VI.7 Immobilization of natural radionuclides as a solution for large volume wastes from Non-Nuclear industries
I.VI.8 Radiation protection during storage of NORM contaminated equipment and waste