1st ENA Workshop

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***Presentations from our 1st ENA workshop in Katowice, Poland are online***

The first ENA workshop is over and for access to the slides of the presentations please contact secretary@ena-norm.eu

In line with the previous eight EANNORM workshops, the 1st ENA workshop will be organized in November 2018 in Katowice (Poland). Contributions from practitioners, industry operators, authorities, service providers and scientists are expected on selected topics as well as on the transposition process of the Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM into the European national legislation. The main schedule is set:

NOV 19th, 2018: Training courses on:
1. Application of gamma spectrometry for NORM measurements
2. Application of LSC for NORM measurement
3. Inventory of NORM and existing regulatory context

Nov 20th – 22nd, 2018: Scientific sessions and discussions

Nov 22nd, 2018 afternoon: “Speaker’s Corner”
10 months after the deadline – discussion on the effects of implementing the European BSS into national regulation. Short information is expected from the Member States to share experience already gathered.

ENA Working Groups and IAEA ENVIRONET NORM Project TM:

All participants are invited to indicate to which themes, listed below, they would like to contribute and how. Therefore, an answer to the questionnaire should be provided to the organisational committee.

IAEA ENVIRONET NORM Project Technical Meeting: IAEA through the Network of Environmental Management and Remediation (ENVIRONET) is running a project on NORM that intends to share good practices and provide participants with practical guidance on the management of NORM wastes/residues. The main sessions of the Technical Meeting will be organised on 19th  and 23rd November. The IAEA NORM Project TM will convene during this time period separately from the ENA Working Group sessions. It is expected that IAEA TM participants will attend the TM session being held at this time, rather than joining other working groups. Please refer to the TM agenda for details regarding activities during this session. TM leaders: Karen Smith, Astrid Schellenberger

ENA Working Groups on NORM: From the EU-NORM symposium in Teddington (2017) three permanent working groups were set up and are planned to occur in parallel to the IAEA NORM Project TM in Katowice. This would allow maximum interaction between both communities with a clear mutual benefit. First preparational steps for participants were compiled by the working group moderators.

ENA Working Group “NORM in the Environment”

Several issues linked with potential public/workforce/environment exposure from environmental contamination by NORM and the needs and questions that authorities, industry, scientists, consultants are having and to which this NORM Environment WG may contribute providing solutions as highlighted below.

  • Develop a guidance document on how to integrate the radiological assessment with the overall environmental assessment and come to an integrated site management/remediation approach
  • Develop a guidance document on the approach to risk communication related to NORM legacy sites
  • Tool-box for dispersion models for detailed assessment
  • Development of a meaningful and cost-efficient monitoring program for a NORM site: a structured representation of available documents
  • Training (e.g. refresher courses) related to exposure and impact studies, regulation, monitoring
  • Other? – Comments and suggestions are welcome and will be collected by WG leaders

Please, indicate to which themes you would like to contribute and how. If there are additional issues you think this WG should deal with, please complement.

WG leaders: Hildegarde Vandenhove, Stéphane Pépin

ENA Working Group “NORM in Building Materials”

This working group was established to have a platform on which all kinds of professionals in the field interested in both NORM and building materials are gathered and can exchange their experiences, thoughts and use it as a starting point to develop all kinds of related activities either within or outside ENA. Examples of such activities may include bilateral exchange of information, starting (funded) projects to address specific topics of interest etc. The objective of the working group is to establish a “living document” which can be used by all the members to see what their contribution could be, to add relevant information and as a starting point for the ENA workshops and conferences to be held in the future. It is up to the participants, more specifically those participants interested in cooperating on a certain issue, to set out their timelines and the way they want to communicate (other than meeting during an ENA event). Topics to be discussed during the working group session at ENA workshop are listed below. Please indicate to which themes you would like to contribute.

  • Implementation guide for the building industry
  • Screening methods
  • Communication
  • Information gathering and processing (sharing and database)
  • Other? – Comments and suggestions are welcome and will be collected by WG leaders

WG leaders: Rob Wiegers, Wouter Schroeyers

ENA Working Group “NORM in Industry”

The ENA Working Group NORM in Industry intends to develop and promote a library of good practice documents for radiation protection in NORM industries in Europe. During the working group session at ENA workshop, the following regulatory requirements and practical experiences in EU member states, as well as other European countries, are planned to be discussed.

  • Legally defined “positive lists” for NORM residues and NORM practices
  • Other NORM, that is not covered by the EU positive list but in fact, occur in industrial processes
  • NORM classification, in particular, exemption values for work activities, and clearance levels for disposal (including the special role of Pb-210)
  • Classification of NORM for transport
  • Dose estimation methods for workers, with special regard to radon generated by NORM
  • Radiation protection practices, with special emphasis on external workers
  • Products with enhanced concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides
  • Management and disposal of NORM residues within the context of conventional waste legislation

Different approaches, methods or interpretations that result in conflicts and restrain trade and international industrial cooperation should be addressed. Furthermore, the culture of communication about radiation risks from NORM in the industry to affected workers and the interested public can be considered.

WG leaders: Rainer Gellermann, Christian Kunze
