NORM VI Marrakech
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General programme
Monday 22-03-2010
Opening Session
Session 1 Operational Radiation Protection
Tuesday 23-03-2010
Session 2 Regulatory aspects
Session 3 Transport of NORM
Wednesday 24-03-2010
Session 4 Management of NORM Residues
Session 5 Use of NORM Products & Residues
Thursday 25-03-2010
Session 6 Concluding session
Opening Session
Revision of the International Basic Safety Standards and Implications for Exposure to Natural Sources Abstract
Dissolution of radioactive deposits from the chemical transformation of phosphate
The research work of the Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech Abstract
Session 1: Operational Radiation Protection
The use and management of NORM residues in processing Bayan Obo ores in China Abstract Presentation
Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) used in French industrial facilities: uranium and thorium series activity concentrations and associated occupational exposures Abstract Presentation
Ecological and radiological consequences of half-century operation of monazite storage facility Abstract
NORM Management in the Oil and Gas Industry-Saudi Aramco experience
Personal Dosimetry to radiation workers Upgrading old petroleum oil field Abstract Presentation
Occupational Exposure Assessment in a Titanium Dioxide Plant Located at the South-West of Spain Abstract Presentation
Session 2: Regulatory aspects
Legal Aspects of NORM/TENORM Regulation in the United States Presentation
Development of NORM management in Australia Abstract Presentation
Principles for Specific Clearance used in Proposed NORM Regulations Abstract Presentation
Human Exposure to radioactivity from mining and industrial residues Abstract Presentation
Identification of NORM facilities in Bulgaria – methodical approach and results Abstract Presentation
European Waste Catalogue – a platform for a common approach to NORM and other industrial waste Abstract Presentation
Towards an Evidence-based Score-card for Aligning Risk Management and Sustainability Goals for Essential NORM Industries: Case Study – Phosphates Abstract
Management of metallic scraps contaminated with natural radionuclides Abstract Presentation
Session 3: Transport of NORM
Safety of Transport of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material Abstract Presentation
NORM transportation in the Port of Antwerp: from Megaports to a special-purpose measurement methodology AbstractPresentation
Transport of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in France and involved doses Abstract
Session 4: Management of NORM Residues
A global overview of NORM residue remediation and good practice Abstract Presentation
A Study on Evaluation Methods for 210Pb Accumulation in Adsorbents of Natural Gas Treatment Process Abstract
Practical issues for dealing with (TE) NORM in the Netherlands Abstract Presentation
Environmental burden of NORM residues Abstract Presentation
A mathematical tool for simulating the dispersion of NORM releases in the marine environment: application to the western Alboran Sea Abstract
The guidance of the OCP for NORM
Identification, handling and disposal of NORM in Norwegian petrol industry Abstract Presentation
Session 5: Use of NORM Products & Residues
Fluxes of the U-238 series within the Dicalcium Phosphate industrial production and the biokinetical analysis of Pb-210 and Po-210 in broilers due to its ingestion Abstract Presentation
Transfer factors of natural radionuclides from soils to crops cultivated at the Cerrado region, Brazil Abstract
Radiological Assessment of Phosphogypsum as a Building Material Abstract
Physicochemical and radioactive characterization of co-products from a titanium dioxide NORM industry for their valorization in cement manufacturing Abstract Presentation
Radiation Exposure from the Use of NORM in Building Materials in Germany Abstract Presentation
Radioactivity in Phosphogypsum and the Recovery of Sodic Soils of Brazilian Semi Arid Environment Abstract Presentation
Session 6: Concluding session
Uranium mill tailings remediation in Central Asia Abstract
Extraction of uranium from phosphoric acid: the good practice Abstract Presentation
Revision and recast of the Euratom Basic Safety Standards: status report and public consultation Abstract Presentation
NORM-specific Approach to Education and Training Needs in NORM Industries Abstract
Overview of the Symposium