EU-NORM I Presentations

EU-NORM I Presentations

Home » Resources » EUNORM Archive » EU-NORM Symposia » EU-NORM I Tallinn » EU-NORM I Presentations


The current and the future EU BSS Directive and the new international standards

EUI.501:  EU Regulatory Framework for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)

EUI.502: A protocol for radiological evaluation of NORM industries

The Swedish radiation safety authority’s regulations on exemption and clearance of NORM

EUI.504: A new set of ICRP publications on radiological protection in existing exposure situations such as NORM activities

EUI.505: Overcoming denial of shipment of NORM: Addressing the implementation of transport regulations

EUI.506: Application of clearance levels to metallic scraps contaminated with NORM

EUI.507The radiological and environmental impact of the new EU regulation on building materials

General occupational health and safety environment

EUI.601: The German risk-acceptance for carcinogenic hazardous substances and its implications for radiation protection of NORM

Waterwork residues from the radiological point of view

EUI.603: 210Po and 210 Pb in the Netherlands: air releases from industrial plants compared to environmental monitoring

EUI.604Preliminary screening assessment of the potential impact of the phosphate industry on wildlife

EUI.605: The Dicalcium phosphate production in the NORM context: study of the radiological characterization and dose assessment to workers

EUI.606: Mineral waters and TENORM

Reuse and recycling

EUI.607: Building material with enhanced or elevated levels of natural radioactivity: analysis of the use of index criteria for limiting their use

EUI.608: Recycling of metallic residues with NORM contamination by melting

The use of portable equipment for the activity concentration index determination of building materials: Methodology and first results

EUI.610: Valorization of two NORM waste coming from both titanium dioxide and phosphoric acid production industries as additive of sulphur polymer concrete

Legacy sites with NORM contamination

EUI.701: The IAEA environmental modelling for radiation safety programme (EMRAS II) – working group on “Reference approaches to modelling for management and remediation at NORM and legacy sites”

EUI.702: Appliance of EURSSEM for the Environmental Remediation of NORM contaminated sites

EUI.703: Radioactivity in residues and effluents from Estonian waterworks treatment plants

EUI.704: Surveying programme of the NORM situation of the Hungarian waterworks

EUI.705: The pattern of radiation exposure at former uranium production sites and measures for exposure minimization

EUI.706: Radiological impact of rutile covered welding electrodes

NORM materials in deep geothermal power plants of Germany
