4th Workshop
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1. Session: International aspects of NORM
Janssens, A. (EC): Current status of the revision of the BSS
Haridasan, P. P. (IAEA): Implications of the revised international basic safety standards on natural sources
2. Session: Transportation of NORM
Schwela, U. (Tantalum-Niobium International Study Centre, Belgium): Denial of transport of NORM’
Steffan E.-M. (EXXON MOBILE, Germany): Classification, Labelling and Packaging of NORM Production Residuals from Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production
Fias, P.; Pepin, S. (Controlatom – FANC, Belgium): NORM transportation in the port of Antwerp: overview and lessons
Welbergen, J. (COVRA, The Netherlands): International transport of radioactive materials including NORM
Nilsen, M. (NRPA, Norway): Transfrontier shipment of NORM waste
Weiss, D. (GRS, Germany): Exposure of Workers from the Transport of NORM in Germany
3. Session: NORM Measurements and Strategies
García Tenorio, R. (University of Seville, Spain): Occupational and Public Exposure Assessment in a Spanish Titanium Dioxide industry: a case study
Kunte, A. (LfU, Germany): Industrial uses of zircon and zirconia and the related exposure in Bavaria
Natvig, H. (NRPA, Norway): Measurements of NORM in the Oil and Gas Industry
Smits, B. (AF Decom, Norway): NORM Management in Decommissioning of Petroleum Installations
Reichelt, A. (TÜV, Germany): Sampling and sample preparation of NORM residues
Casacuberta, N. (University of Barcelona, Spain): Study of a dicalcium phosphate industrial plant in the NORM context and within the regulatory Spanish framework
Sidhu, R. (IFE, Norway): NORM services provided by Institute for Energy Technology
4. Session: Disposal of NORM
Pepin, S. (FANC, Belgium): Belgian acceptation criteria for NORM residues: theory and practice
Hiller, P. (NNL,UK): NNL’s Systematic Approach to the Characterisation, Treatment and Disposal of Radioactive Wastes and its Application to NORM.
Prlic, I.; Vučić, Z.; Hajdinjak, M. (IMI, Croatia): A practical simple ambient dose rate mapping method to assess the area of pockets containing enhanced concentration activities of NORM at a large slag and ashes deposition site
Gellermann, R. (FUGRO Consult, Germany): Control of masses, activities and doses during remediation measures at a radioactive contaminated site in Hannover
Varskog, P., Schulz, H. (Norse Decom AS, Norway – IAF, Germany): Radon in an underground NORM Repository
Michalik, B. (GIG, Poland): The fate and behaviour of NORM with respect to environmental protection
5. Session: Building Materials
Poffijn, A., Vanmarcke H., Wiegers, R. (FANC, SCK-CEN, Belgium, IBR, The Netherlands): The revision of the EU-BSS and its implications for the building industry and the EU-society
Hoffmann B. (BfS, Germany): Radon Exhalation Measurement and Assessment of Building Materials: why and how?
Nuccetilli, C. (ISS, Italy): Natural radioactivity in building materials in the European Union: a database and an estimate of radiological significance
Mora, J.C. (CIEMAT, Spain): Radiological impact of fly ashes from coal combustion
Pontikes, Y. (KULeuven, Belgium): Radioactive elements in Bayer’s process bauxite residue and their impact in valorization options
Bolivar, J. P. (Universidad de Huelva, Spain): Minimization and elimination of NORM waste from titanium dioxide industry through their valorisation in final commercial products
Stals, M. (NuTeC-XIOS, Belgium): The use of portable equipment for the Activity Concentration Index determination of building materials: Methodology and first results
Vuorinen, P. (CEN/TC 351/WG 3, Finland): A method for the determination of the activity concentrations of the radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in construction products using semiconductor gamma-ray spectrometry
V. Jobbágy (IRMM, Belgium): NORM measurements and its possible difficulties