NORM V Sevilla
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General Programme
Monday 19-03-2007
Opening session
Session A Processing and Use of Thorium
Session B Processing and use of Zircon and Zirconia
Tuesday 20-03-2007
Session C Production of Titanium Dioxide
Session D Extraction and processing of rare earths
Session E Extraction, processing and use of phosphate minerals
Wednesday, 21-03-2007
Session F Recycling of contaminated scrap. Waste Management
Session G Miscellaneous 1
Thursday, 22-03-2007
Session H Miscellaneous 2
Opening session Managing Exposure to NORM—Consensus or Chaos?
Session A: Processing and Use of Thorium
V.a.1 Thorium Applications in Spain
V.a.2 Radiation Exposure at Production and Use of Thoriated Gas Mantles
V.a.3 Thorium and uranium bioaccumulation in wheat and rye plants
Session B: Processing and use of Zircon and Zirconia The Industrial Uses of Zircon and Zirconia, and the Radiological Consequences of these Uses
V.b.1 Radiological Assessment of Zircon and Associated Minerals Processing in Nigeria
V.b.2 Radiological Impacts Associated with Zircon Sand Processing Plant in Brasil
V.b.3 Radioactivity Measurements Campaign on Ceramic Industries: Results and Comments
V.b.4 NORM in Italian Tiles and Refractories Industries
V.b.5 Determination of Radon Specific Exhalation Rate from Italian Ceramic Tiles
Session C: Production of Titanium Dioxide Production of Titanium Dioxide
V.c.1 Radiological Implications due to Thorium in Titanium Mineral Separation and Chemical Processing
Session D: Extraction and processing of rare earths Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in the Extraction and Processing of Rare Earths
V.d.1 The Deportment of NORM in the Processing of a Phosphate Ore Containing Rare Earths
V.d.2 Lung types of Thoron Daughters in Monazite Storage Facility
Session E: Production of Titanium Dioxide Inhalation Doses and Regulatory Policy in Wet-Acid Processing of Sedimentary Phosphate Rock
V.e.1 Radioactivity in the Phosphate Field: Actions undertaken by IMPHOS
V.e.2 Public Exposure from Mines Operated on an Igneous Ore Body
V.e.3 Towards a Management and Regulatory Strategy for Phosphoric Acid and Phosphogypsum as Co-products
V.e.4 Radiological Assessment of the Agriculture Use of Phosphogypsum in S.W. Spain. Results of a Three-year Field Experiment
V.e.5 Redissolution of 226Ra from Sediments in a Spanish Estuary Affected by the Phosphate Industry: Model Comparisons in the Frame of the IAEA EMRAS Project
Session F: Recycling of contaminated scrap. Waste Management
PL/6 Radiological Control of Metal Scrap: “The Spanish Protocol”
V.f.1 Estimation of Personal Dose while Processing NORM-Contaminated Metal Scrap
V.f.2 A Study Concerning NORM in Integrated Steelworks
V.f.3 Radiological Impact Assessment for Landfill Disposal of NORM Wastes in Malaysia
V.f.4 Treatment of NORM Residues in the Netherlands
Session G: Miscellaneous 1
V.g.1 NORM Measurements in the Oil and Gas Industry in Argentina
V.g.2 Radioactivity in Produced Water from Oil and Gas Installations-Doses to Biota and Man
V.g.3 Investigation of NORM Activities in Sweden– Dose Estimations to Workers and Public
V.g.4 Exposure and Radiation Protection for Working Areas with Enhanced Natural Radioactivity
V.g.5 Status of Natural Occurring Radionuclides in Copper Mine Wastewater in Zambia
G/6 The Revision of the EURATOM Basic Safety Standards with Regard to Natural Radiation Sources
Session H: Miscellaneous 2
V.h.1 The Trade in Radioactive Materials– Potential Problems and Possible Solutions
V.h.2 Measurement of Surface Contamination According to Legal Requirements
V.h.3 Environmental Impact of Radioactivity in Waste From Coal and Alumina Industry in Western Balkan Countries
V.h.4 The Dependence of Radon Emanation from Red Mud on Heat Treatment
V.h.5 Chemical Types of Bonding of Natural Radionuclides in Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM)
V.h.6 NORM-ALARA (EANNORM) — a new module of the European ALARA Network (EAN)