6th Workshop
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From 2nd to 4th December 2013, the 6th EANNORM – Workshop was held in the Ciemat’s headquarter in Madrid (Spain). It was devoted to the “Alternatives in NORM wastes management” and followed on December 5th by a topical day: “NORM in new BSS and Radon in NORM”.
Around 90 participants attended these EANNORM events from European countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom) and non-European countries as well (Angola, Israel, Japan, Mexico and South Korea).
Monday, December 2nd
Boguslaw Michalik, Michał Bonczyk: A proposal of NORM classification system consistent with fundamental principles of radiation protection.
Geert Biermans, B. Dehandschutter, S. Pepin, A. Poffijn, M. Sonck: Exemption levels and acceptance criteria for NORM residues in Belgian NORM regulations.
Jeroen Welbergen, Rob Wiegers: Re-use of NORM in Dutch waterworks.
Pedro Carboneras, Mª Teresa López, Ramón Morcillo: Characteristics of Spanish NORM industries and technical ways for the management of their NORM wastes.
Juan C. Mora & Beatriz Robles: NORM Management in Conventional Hazardous Waste Disposals.
Per Varskog: NORM in relation to HSE in Petroleum Production
Gert Jonkers: Natural Radioactivity and Shale Gas Drilling and Production – Nothing New under the Sun.
Cristina Nuccetelli, Rosabianca Trevisi, Federica Leonardi, Serena Risica: An integrated approach to a case of NORM waste management in Italy: a phosphogypsum stack.
Franz-Josef Maringer, Pierino de Felice, Virginia Peyres, M.Teresa Crespo: Metrology for processing materials with high natural radioactivity.
Per Varskog: NORM monitoring and assessments – in the field and on installations.
Tuesday, December 3rd
Catalina Gascó, F. López, J. Alguacil, A. López-Delgado, H. Tayibi El Amrani, I. García, J. Pedro Bolívar, N. Navarro, L. Yagüe: Is the cement an alternative for Phosphogypsum recycling?
Magnus Döse: Naturally occurring radioactive emissions of aggregates used in Swedish concrete – its effective dose and related rates of radon gas and influence of relative humidity.
Cristina Nuccetelli, Federica Leonardi, Rosabianca Trevisi: Health impact of recycling NORM residues in building materials.
Viktor Jobbaggy, János Somlai, Tibor Kovács, Gábor Szeiler, Zoltán Sas: Red mud as potential building material.
Wouter Schroeyers: NORM4BUILDING: A new European network for reuse of NORM residues in innovative building materials.
Barbara Piotrowska, Marian Fujak: Analysis of the Natural Radioactivity of Raw and Building Materials in Poland in the period 1979-2012.
Mª Teresa Ortiz: Recycling of scrap metals with radioactive content in Spain: application in NORM materials.
Antonia Camacho, M. Montaña, R. Devesa, I. Serrano, S. Blázquez, R. Céspedes-Sánchez, M.A. Duch: Radionuclides in sludge from wastewater treatment plants: recycling and reuses.
Antonio Baeza. J. Guillén, A. Muñoz: NORM by-products from Drinking Water Treatment Plants: considerations for agricultural use.
Rafael Garcia-Tenorio: On the use of phosphogypsum on agriculture.
Rafael Garcia-Tenorio: Long term temporal evolution of the radioactive impact of a Spanish phosphate industry in their neighbouring environment.
Wednesday, December 4th
Hildegarde Vandenhove, Fabricio Fiengo Perez, Lieve Sweeck: Remediation of rivers and inundation areas impacted by the NORM industry.
Ingrid Gottfried: AlphaE Radon Exposemeter.
Manuel Gazquez, J.P. Bolivar: Review of different commercial applications of wastes coming from the TiO2 NORM industry
Jeroen Welbergen, Rob Wiegers, Jan Kops: Radiological Safety Analysis of NORM storage in the Netherlands.
Margarita Herranz, S. Rozas, R. Idoeta, F. Legarda: NORM waste in welding.
Konstantin Kovler: Purification of phosphogypsum from 226Ra for its further utilization in construction: technological utopia or reality?
Hildegarde Vandenhove, Lieve Sweeck and Jordi Vives I Battle: Preliminary screening assessment of the potential impact of the phosphate industry on wildlife and potential need for remediation.
Garcia, N. Casacuberta: Radiological risk assessment to workers of a phosphate industry (NORM).
Thursday, December 5th: Topical day
Stéphane Calpéna: European regulation for marketing of NORM residues and building materials.
Zhiwen Fan: IAEA Perspectives on NORM Waste Management.
Jim Cochrane, Laura Kerr: Update of ongoing Work by UK Government to Develop a UK Strategy for the Management of Waste Containing Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM).
Elvira Hernando, María José Búrdalo: New Spanish regulation for the management of wastes generated within activities using materials with natural radioactivity content.
Arturo Vargas: Outdoor radon and radon progeny measurements. Dose estimation.
Regner, J.; Schmidt, P. (Wismut GmbH, Germany): Management of Radon Releases from Waste Rock Dumps at Uranium Mining Legacy Sites in Germany.
Luis S. Quindos Poncela, Carlos Sainz Fernandez, Jose-Luis Gutierrez Villanueva, Ismael Fuente Merino: The Importance of Testing Under Real Working Conditions Equipment Used for NORM Measurements.